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Projects: Reverse Sensitivity Analysis for Identifying Predictive Proteomics Signatures of Cancer
Institutions: University of Washington
Herbert Sauro is a Professor in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Washington in Seattle. His interests include anything to do with mechanistic modeling of cellular networks. Early in his career he helped develop metabolic control analysis and wrote one of the first popular pathway simulators for PCs. He was a founding member of the team that developed the systems biology exchange language, SBML, and later initiated the development of the synthetic biology open language (SBOL). ...
A major aim of cancer systems biology is to build models that can predict the impact of these genetic disruptions to guide therapeutic interventions. A prominent driver of cancer cell growth is signaling pathway deregulation from mutations in key regulatory nodes and loss/gain in gene copy number (CNV). Recent work by our group discovered that the abundances of most signaling pathway proteins are highly conserved with signaling being controlled by only a few, low abundance key nodes. The activity ...
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Start date: 1st Apr 2019
End date: 30th Apr 2024
Organisms: Homo sapiens