Dr. Song specializes in dynamic metabolic modeling and metabolic network analysis. His past training in frontier areas of process systems engineering has provided a sustaining force in the pursuit of problems in biotechnology and biomedical science. He has developed powerful frameworks and computational algorithms for large-scale dynamic metabolic modeling, pathway analysis of genome-scale networks, and integration of high-throughput data. These developments have led to successful modeling of complex metabolism of various microorganisms, serving as critical tools for strain modification and bioreactor optimization towards maximizing the productivity of biofulels and other high-value chemicals. In the area of biomedical research, Dr. Song worked for the discovery of novel metabolite biomarkers of toxicant exposure and organ injuries. Since joining Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in 2013, his work focuses on microbial community modeling and model integration (for hybrid simulation).
SEEK ID: https://emsl-seek.pnnl.gov/people/8
United States
ORCID: Not specified
Joined: 16th Dec 2014
Expertise: metabolic modeling, dynamic simulation, model integration, optimization, nonlinear anlaysis
Tools: Matlab