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Joined: 22nd Jan 2015
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Oscar time course was carried out between 8/19/2013 (Day 7) to 9/9/2013 (Day 28). This is a nitrate only study. Oscar time course samples were received from Jesse Cole. Proteomics sample preparation were done by Marina Gritsenko.
The Excel file contains multiple spreadsheets. It contains a summary of spectral count from all time points and proteins identified in each time point. Each time point has three biological replicates (A B, C). Each biological sample is sum of two technical LC-MS runs ...
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Submitter: Eric Huang
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This is the first attempt to characterize proteins in the supernatant in Ana and Oscar. Oscar was harvested 10/08/2013 representing Day 14 (By Jesse Cole). Ana was harvested on 12/26/2013 representing Day 21. Supernatant was collected by passing though 0.2 um filter. Proteomics analysis was carried out using online trypsin digestion cart to increase sensitivity and reduce sample loss.
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Creators: Eric Huang, Jennifer Mobberley, jessica cole
Submitter: Eric Huang
Investigations: No Investigations
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Abstract (Expand)
Authors: S. R. Lindemann, J. M. Mobberley, J. K. Cole, L. M. Markillie, R. C. Taylor, E. Huang, W. B. Chrisler, H. S. Wiley, M. S. Lipton, W. C. Nelson, J. K. Fredrickson, M. F. Romine
Date Published: No date defined
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 28659875
Citation: Front Microbiol. 2017 Jun 13;8:1020. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01020. eCollection 2017.