I consider myself a "systems biologist", trained in a variety of different areas, but primarily interested in how organisms work as integrated, self-regulating systems. Trained in protein chemistry and cell biology, I have extensive experience in modeling biological systems as well as image analysis and other novel analytical technologies. Currently, my major focus is on integrating multiple types of 'omics data to provide insight into fundamental biological regulatory mechanisms.
SEEK ID: https://emsl-seek.pnnl.gov/people/3
United States
ORCID: Not specified
Joined: 12th Dec 2014
Energy and Material Processing (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Adaptive Responses (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) ; Microbial Community Dynamics (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) ; Reverse Sensitivity Analysis for Identifying Predictive Proteomics Signatures of Cancer (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
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A major aim of cancer systems biology is to build models that can predict the impact of these genetic disruptions to guide therapeutic interventions. A prominent driver of cancer cell growth is signaling pathway deregulation from mutations in key regulatory nodes and loss/gain in gene copy number (CNV). Recent work by our group discovered that the abundances of most signaling pathway proteins are highly conserved with signaling being controlled by only a few, low abundance key nodes. The activity ...
Public web page: https://csbconsortium.org/research-projects/reverse-sensitivity-analysis-for-identifying-predictive-proteomics-signatures-of-cancer/
Start date: 1st Apr 2019
End date: 30th Apr 2024
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Research in this project is designed to identify the key driving forces and environmental gradients that control material and energy fluxes through microbial communities and delineate their effects on community composition, structure, and function. We will also develop a mechanistic understanding of energy and carbon partitioning among community members under steady-state and during perturbations. Researchers will investigate the interplay between community spatial organization and function with ...
Public web page: http://www.pnnl.gov/biology/programs/fsfa/research.stm
This project is focused on the functional characteristics and interactions of microbes within communities that determine the dynamics of community composition, function, and spatial organization. It uses an iterative experimental-modeling approach to elucidate principles that drive community dynamics in response to altered environmental conditions and examine the relative contributions of interspecies interactions and dispersive processes to changes in community spatial and functional heterogeneity. ...
Public web page: http://www.pnnl.gov/biology/programs/fsfa/research.stm
This project is designed to identify the general principles governing the adaptive response of individual microbes to environmental perturbations within a community context. It seeks to establish the contribution of rapid, post-transcriptional regulatory processes in the overall adaptive response of communities to environmental stress and determine how responses of individual members contribute to community metabolic homeostasis.
Public web page: http://www.pnnl.gov/biology/programs/fsfa/research.stm
This investigation is designed to understand the processes and mechanisms involved in the succession of microbial communities isolated fro Hot Lake. Succession is both a natural seasonal process as well as a response to disturbance. We want to understand the general principles that are involved in this process, specifically which species drive the succession process and what roles the individual species play both early and late in succession. The influence of nutrition and environmental factors ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Treat MCF10A cells (in duplicate) with dilution series of LJH685 (Stock in DMSO): 100µM, 33µM, 10µM, 3µM, 1µM, 0.3µM, 0.1µM, 0µM (control) +/- 3ng/ml EGF for 30 min. Total of 32 samples. Extract and quantify activated Ras activity levels by ELISA.
Expected results: We expect to see an increase in Ras activity as we increase the concentrations of LJH685. We should see this increase in both the presence and absence of EGF but see a much stronger effect with EGF. The 30 min sample time should be ...
Submitter: Steven Wiley
Assay type: Inhibitor study
Technology type: ELISA
Investigation: 1 hidden item
Study: 1 hidden item
Organisms: Homo sapiens : MCF 10A (wild-type / Epithelial)
Data files: 1 hidden item
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Steven Wiley
Provider Name: Not specified
Provider's strain ID: Not specified
Organism: Homo sapiens
Genotypes: Vector expression dCas9-VPR
Phenotypes: wild-type
Comment: Selection with 500 µg/ml G418
Genotypes: wild-type
Phenotypes: Epithelial
Comment: The MCF 10A cell line is a non-tumorigenic epithelial cell line. The cells are positive for epithelial sialomucins, cytokeratins and milk fat globule antigen. They exhibit three dimensional growth in collagen, and form domes in confluent cultures. Thus far, the cells have shown no signs of terminal differentiation or senescence. The line is responsive to insulin, glucocorticoids, cholera enterotoxin, and epidermal growth factor (EGF). By electron microscopy the cells display characteristics of luminal ductal cells but not of myoepithelial cells. They also express breast specific antigens as detected by positive reaction with MFA-Breast and MC-5 monoclonal antibodies. The calcium content of the medium exerts a strong effect on the morphology of the cells.
Collection of scanning electron microscope images of Ana and Oscar UCCs taken in May of 2012. Shows the cyanobacteria structure and multiple associated heterotrophs.
Creator: Alice Dohnalkova
Submitter: Steven Wiley
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Lentiviral Transduction for EGFR perturbation Wednesday, October 28, 2021 Wiley/Hess Lab, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Document Last reviewed:
Protocol revised from: 20201106_Protocol for Viral Transduction_SP Final Project WP: NH8697 Description Lentiviral constructs have been prepared by VectorBuilder. Will be transducing 2 cell lines (MCF10A_dCas9-KRAB and MCF10A_dCas9-VPR) with sgRNA libraries to obtain variable EGFR expression. Cell Lines
- MCF10A dCAS9-KRAB a. Antibiotic selection: ...
Creators: Steven Wiley, Becky Hess
Submitter: Steven Wiley
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: 1 hidden item
Assays: 1 hidden item
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: A. S. Beliaev, , M. Serres, Hans Bernstein, B. E. Linggi, , N. G. Isern, , L. A. Kucek, E. A. Hill, G. E. Pinchuk, D. A. Bryant, , , A. Konopka
Date Published: 29th Apr 2014
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 24781900
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: J. K. Cole, J. R. Hutchison, R. S. Renslow, Y. M. Kim, W. B. Chrisler, H. E. Engelmann, A. C. Dohnalkova, D. Hu, T. O. Metz, J. K. Fredrickson, S. R. Lindemann
Date Published: 7th Apr 2014
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 24778628
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: S. R. Lindemann, J. J. Moran, J. C. Stegen, R. S. Renslow, J. R. Hutchison, J. K. Cole, A. C. Dohnalkova, J. Tremblay, K. Singh, S. A. Malfatti, F. Chen, S. G. Tringe, H. Beyenal, J. K. Fredrickson
Date Published: 13th Nov 2013
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 24312082
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: , B. J. Webb Robertson, , M. H. Serres, B. E. Linggi, J. T. Aldrich, , , ,
Date Published: 21st Oct 2013
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 24081429
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: S. R. Lindemann, J. M. Mobberley, J. K. Cole, L. M. Markillie, R. C. Taylor, E. Huang, W. B. Chrisler, H. S. Wiley, M. S. Lipton, W. C. Nelson, J. K. Fredrickson, M. F. Romine
Date Published: No date defined
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 28659875
Citation: Front Microbiol. 2017 Jun 13;8:1020. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01020. eCollection 2017.
A primary goal of cancer systems biology is to build models of cell regulatory systems that can predict the impact of genetic changes that cause cancer and that can be used to design therapeutic strategies. Unfortunately, the great majority of current signaling models are mostly descriptive and lack the ability to predict responses across different cell types or the impact of gene copy number alterations. To address this critical capability gap, we have developed a measurement-modeling-perturbation ...
Creators: Steven Wiley, Becky M. Hess, Tujin Shi, Thomas Weber, James A. Sanford, Song Feng, Michael Kochen, Wei-Jun Qian, Herbert M. Sauro
Submitter: Steven Wiley
Poster presented at the 2019 annual CSBC meeting: A major aim of cancer systems biology is to build models that can predict the impact of these genetic disruptions to guide therapeutic interventions. A prominent driver of cancer cell growth is signaling pathway deregulation from mutations in key regulatory nodes and loss/gain in gene copy number (CNV). Recent work by our group discovered that the abundances of most signaling pathway proteins are highly conserved with signaling being controlled ...
Creators: Steven Wiley, Herbert Sauro, Becky Hess, WEIJUN QIAN
Submitter: Steven Wiley
The META Center for Systems Biology will host its second annual symposium in Eugene, Oregon on July 31-August 2, 2015. The Symposium on Host-Microbe Systems Biology will focus on the theme of “Synthesis and Selection of Host-Microbe Systems”. We will explore the properties of host-microbe systems from efforts to build these systems de novo, using approaches of synthetic biology, and to subject these systems to selective pressures, using approaches of experimental evolution. More details about the ...
Start Date: 31st Jul 2015
End Date: 2nd Aug 2015
Event Website: http://meta.uoregon.edu/symposium-2015/
Country: United States
City: Eugene, Oregon